Perez Paredes Family

Congratulations on the completion of your third home!  The following, is a brief bio of the family you funded a home for in the town of Ciudad Vieja, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala.

Gumercindo and Magda have 4 children.  The three oldest, Magda Lorena, Rony and Nancy attend the public school.  The youngest son, Byron is 4 years old and has not started school yet. 

Gumercindo works as carpenter and earns around Q300.00 per week. Magda stays home and takes care of her children. 

The family had been living in a  shack made out with corrugated metal sheets with dirt floor. They cook with wood outdoor and share the kitchen with their relatives and all the basic services like running water and electricity.


Perez Car Family


Yllescas Zelada Family